Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 15

Today is the 15th day since I started chemotherapy. Today wasn't a good day. I at first noticed that a strand of hair here and there. Then I was rubbing my hand thru my hair and a clump of about 20 strands of hair came out. I guess I was doing so good and no signs of my hair coming out that I really thought maybe I won't lose it. But I did in more ways then one. I was laying in bed when Shane came home to get the boys to take them for a haircut and he asked me what was wrong, because I am never in bed when he gets home. I started to cry and told him that my hair was falling out. He asked, "How do you know?" I grabbed my hair and pulled. And another clump came out. All I could do was sob and tell him I didn't want it to fall out and to be ugly. He said I was being ridiculous and that if the roles were reversed it wouldn't bother me. That is true but I think for ladies it is a little different. Maybe it is just me but I hate this part. I had Shane comb my hair a little before going back downstairs, as he did I could feel all the strands of hair falling out on my shoulders & arms. I just told Shane, "Please stop. I can feel it falling all over me." Then cried some more. I knew it would be hard and that I would cry but emotionally I feel like crap. I dread how I know that I will feel looking at myself in the mirror, wondering if my husband still finds me attractive or if the kids will think their mommy looks wierd and won't want to be close to me . I know the words are there but actually seeing someone with a bald head is a little different. I know with all my heart that Shane is not that shallow but I think it will be harder to see me like that then he thinks. Connor hugged me today after I discovered that my hair was starting to fall out and pulled his hand away from my hair and had a clump of hair in his hand. I told him, "Mommy's hair is starting to fall out." He just pointed to my wig and gave me a big hug. I am sure all this is totally normal but right now it feels as if I am the only one going thru it. I know that is not true and is selfish & probably narrow minded but right now that is how I feel.

Shane is going to help me wash my hair tonight because I am too sore to lift my arm to do it myself. I am dreading that because I know now that it is going to fall out when he does & I can't bear to see all my hair "go down the drain" LOL Hey I made a joke!! Go figure. I guess somewhere in there my sense of humor still lies, but right now it feels a little dormant.

I will just have to remember today that: HIS strength is perfect when my strength is gone. He'll carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in his power the weak become strong. His strength is perfect. His strength is perfect.

It will get better I know. And I know it will be OK eventually but tonight I miss my hair, my femininity that I feel I am going to lose. Sorry this is such a depressing post but I guess some days are just like that on this "journey".

Love to all,

PS. Thank you Babe for your constant reassurance of your never ending love for me no matter what. I love you. Forever & Ever Amen


  1. I know what a big deal this is for you and I just have to say that you will always be beautiful no matter how much or how little hair you have.
    Is there anything anyone can say right now to make you feel better? This is just one more step in the journey of beating this monster. One step at a time. You are beautiful and you are strong and Shane and the kids will love you no matter what comes along-you are all on this journey together.
    I wish I could give you a hug right now...Know that you are loved.

  2. You don't know me, but I've been following your blog. I just wanted to say I am so touched by your story and I wish you the best on this journey. I know you were so worried about losing your hair. I guess you could say you now have one less thing to worry about! :-) I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. I also hope you know how many people (including strangers) are praying for you and your family.

  3. Rachael, I am so sorry...I know that losing your hair is hard--it was one of my hardest days too. Just wanted you to know that I understand and I am thinking and praying for you.
    PS. I understand the feeling like you are the only one going through it as well--it is hard and sometimes very lonely to have to face cancer. Many prayers!

  4. Oh Sweet Rachael - God Bless You!
    Stephanie Yarbrough

  5. Hey Babe, I'm sorry this day is so hard for you. Please know I'm praying for you. Big hugs!!!

  6. I am praying God gives you strength today...know that you are beautiful on the inside and out and a bald head won't change that . I know it's hard but you are going to get through it...Sounds like you have a wonderful family that is helping you all the way! I thought my mom was even more beautiful than before..I admired her strength and I admire yours. We love you :)

  7. You are a beautiful person and with or without hair you will continue to be beautiful. I am praying that God will continue to give you the strength and courage he has given you. Stay strong! I admire you for your courage.

  8. I've not commented b4 today b/c I honestly did not know what to say. I couldn't even read all of this post the night you wrote it. I read both nights last night and again (as in the beginning) I cried for you. I have NO idea what you are going thru, but I do feel the hair loss would be a hugh challenge for me as it is for you. I know it's a small thing compared to what the outcome can be with the treatments and with all the prayers, but that doesn't make it easier at the time you experience it.
    You have been incredible as I'm sure you will continue to be. Just know that I truly care and my heart goes out to you Rachael. I'm praying continually for strength through this most difficult time for you, as well as your family. Please tell Shane, Tony, Lin, Travis, and Dustin I said hello. Take care. Much love to all of you.

  9. Rachael,

    I want you to know that I love you so much and Im praying for you! You are beautiful no matter what. Keep the strength God has given you and you will get thru! Your on my mind and in my prayers. YOUR BEAUTIFUL GIRL!! I love you.
