Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Hair Giant

Well today is another day in this "journey". I am doing better about my hair. I am still soooo disappointed. Who would have thought I was vain about my hair? I really will miss is. At least it is in the summer and my head won't be too cold. Now I have a little sympathy for men with balding heads and receding hairlines.

Anyway, I am still a little sore from the surgery but everyday it gets a little less sore and I can stretch my arm a little farther. It still is too sore to lift CaityBug which I miss dreadfully. I miss putting her to bed and rocking her before. But I know it is only for a short time before I can do it again. I think Mom & Shane are enjoying taking turns though. So that is good bonding time for them.

It has been good Mom being here. She helps out with anything and everything. Today she came in and woke me up with a nice cup of coffee. She got the boys up so I could sleep in. That was really nice. Because I am not a morning person.LOL My mom tells me that I will be beautiful either way even if I am bald. But she is my mom and she is supposed to say that. LOL I love you Mom thanks for everything and for being here for me. No matter what!!

My brother Travis is home from the military after 6 years of service. We are so proud of him and glad he is finally home. He keeps trying to tell me the bald women are sexy. (Grace Jones, Demi Moore, Sinead O'Connor, Susan Powter) What a guy? I think it is a little weird that they think bald women are sexy.

I still am not ready to shave it off. Maybe if it gets worse towards the end of the week. But for now I think I will hang on to it for a while. Everyone has been so kind coming by and calling to check on me. Making me homemade goodies. I love it. One of my favorites is the edible arrangement that Dustin & Yesenia got for me. It looks like a flower arrangement but it is made of fruit. Some even have chocolate on them. They are delicious.

Anyway at the moment my brothers are here. So we are all together for the first time in a while. It is pretty funny hanging out as grown ups and being goofy. We are going to play a game of greed tonight together. So that should be fun. I know Mom is glad to have all her kids under one roof. So we definitely have a full house. Last count 4 kids, 7 adults & 2 dogs. 13 total Wow that is a lot. Even just writing it down. But it is fun.

So my hair giant is still hanging around. No pun intended. Really. But I am dealing with it. And know that I will make it thru. But right now it is still hard to comprehend that I will probably be bald by the end of the week. I guess right now I can go anywhere and "pretend" that everything is fine and that I am "normal" & not really sick. Once my hair falls out it is such a vi sable sign for to everyone, like wearing a "Scarlet letter" that says "Hey, I have Cancer" I am not ready for that stage of the "journey" but on this journey it is "ready or not" you have to get ready. So I am preparing for this next giant to conquer. If anything else it will make me appreciate my hair more when it does come back. I will conquer this "giant". It will be a big one to conquer but the bigger the giant the bigger the victory. Right? In Jesus Name.

All my love,


  1. HI RACH sorry bout the hair but your Daddy will love ya just same. Bet its fun hearing Trav"s adventure getting from Maine. Keep looking for the bright spots in your trip. We"ll keep praying . love ya lots Dad

  2. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I know having Travie there will help you get through this with a sense of humor. (BTW, why didn't anyone tell me he was getting out?) YAY!

    If your hair hasn't grown back by the time we all get to see you this Summer, I'll either shave mine too or make Don shave his. Will that help?

    Love ya Sweetie!!

  3. I love you Rachael. I hope you all had a great time together last night with lots of laughs!!!

  4. Hey Rach, I'm back. I know it seems like we don't think of you but GOD knows we do and I hope you believe me when I say we really do. We pray for you daily. Our church has you in prayer as well. The boys have asked lots of question about the monster your dealing with but we tell them that w/all of our prayers, this thing will lose and go away soon. And you're right about all this being a trial. What a trial huh. Well, we know how strong you are and how BIG JESUS is and how he has your journey all figured and worked out for you already. Stay strong and hope to see you guys soon. Sure miss them good times. Love ya chic. Love ya all.

  5. Hey Rachael,

    Your hair didn't make you the beautiful person that you are, it's you heart that does. You are still just as beautiful.Keep your faith in God and one day you will look back and this valley won't seem so deep.May God bring you all the joy and peace you so truely desreve. I love you.

