Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Revelation

I had a somewhat of an enlightening revelation the other day about losing my hair. I have been saying from the beginning that I felt like I was going to have to go thru this not that God couldn't heal me but that was not the "plan". I have said that I trusted him that he knows what he is doing. After all, He is God. But when it came to my hair I think I fell a little short of trusting. I wasn't walking the walk, just all talk. I am not proud of this, but I was really hanging on to my hair and not wanting to give it up or trusting God with my hair issues that I was having. But let's be honest I am probably not the only one.

Anyway my revelation was this: I wasn't completely trusting him like I thought I was. Maybe with everything else but not my hair. I know he knows how important it was to me. So then I thought about Abraham & his son Isaac. He completely trusted God when he was told to offer him as a sacrifice. And not until God knew he would go thru with the act did he stop him & provide a "way out". So I finally realized that until I totally surrendered my hair to God and fully trusted him he couldn't finish the work that he started in me. And when I realized that I felt liberated & free. It is OK. God still has a plan. I have no hair, but God still has a plan.

So for me giving up my hair was my "sacrifice" to Him. It was hard but I really trust he knows what he is doing. And that makes it a lot easier to deal with & handle when I let him take control & not worry about it myself.

Tomorrow I am going to buy a few more wigs to have something different. My Dad, Tony has been kind enough to be my supplier in this area. I am very grateful. Thank you. I am excited to try a few new looks and have fun with it. When I got my first one it was more just fun but now it is a necessity and before my revelation very depressing. However, now I am going to have some fun with it. So I am looking forward to it.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.
All my love,